Higher Self Dialogues

What is a Higher Self Dialogue? It's me and you having a meaningful conversation on your topics of choice, with our Higher Selves engaged. 

First we establish what that might mean for YOU. For myself, I feel it as a collective of various aspects that make up the feeling of "me" -  soul, spirit, source, human consciousness, my individual body consciousness, and awareness and understanding from a higher and wider perspective.

I am interested in supporting your fullest authenticity and strengthening your capacity to hear your own wisdom. We work with guided relaxation, focus, and intention to access this fuller perspective on your topics of choice - health, relationships, curiosity in your own development - any topics that you want!

A Higher Self Dialogue can be set up by contacting me and having a free phone consult to further discuss your request. If agreeable to both, then we can schedule a session either in person, on the phone or over a video call. Session length may vary and is a minimum of one hour and may go up to two hours. The recommended fee is $100 but can be negotiated if needed.

A Higher Self Dialogue is not counseling, nor is it hypnosis, some other services I provide. 

If this resonates, then I look forward to connecting with you!